Ways to Support
Spindle House

We have an ambitions vision for the future of Spindle House, and absolute faith in the quality of the works we produce. There are themed anthologies we’d like to organize, events we’d like to attend, and contributors we’d like to pay. Unfortunately, we currently lack the means to take the next steps toward the growth we envision. Your support makes all the difference to us. Here are some ways you can help.

Support Us Financially

  1. Purchase copies of our work. If you currently read for free, consider purchasing a digital version or paperback. Additionally, orders that come directly through our shop earn higher profits than third-party outlets, so consider buying directly from us. Note that our little store can’t ship internationally yet, so if you live abroad, a third-party option (like Amazon) is your best bet.

  2. Make a donation. Leave us a one-time or recurring donation, of any amount, via our Ko-fi page. Every little bit helps, and we truly appreciate the support.

Non-Financial Ways to Support

  1. Follow us. In addition to our Substack newsletter, we are on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Threads. Give us a follow wherever it’s convenient! We’ll post announcements, submission calls, releases, and other news.

  2. Write a review. If you enjoyed one of our works, give it a review on Amazon or Goodreads. This helps others find and enjoy our dark tales. We also appreciate any reviews we can get from blogs, bookstagram, booktube, or wherever else! Fill out our ARC Request Form to receive digital advance reader copies as they become available.

  3. Share your faves. We firmly believe good stories are meant to be shared. If you found a story/poem you love or an author you resonate with, share it with the world! The authors will love hearing how much you loved their work, and other readers will be able to share in your enjoyment.

  4. Tell your friends. If you like what we’re up to at Spindle House, help us spread the word! Better yet, treat yourself to a scary story night with friends, and throw a few of our dark tales into the mix. Issues one and two of The Deeps are free to read online, and their contents are perfect for group readings.

However you choose to support us, we appreciate YOU so very much! You’re the reason we keep this gig going. Never underestimate the role you play; we couldn’t possibly do this without you. THANK YOU for supporting indie horror!