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C. C. Rayne and the Dark Fairy Tale
Benjamin Vandersluis Benjamin Vandersluis

C. C. Rayne and the Dark Fairy Tale

For me, horror is the shape that’s formed from shadows. It’s the genre that lets us highlight all the terrible and wonderful facets of our world. So much depends on what you cast as the monster—and whose story you’re trying to tell. Horror is a flashlight, and a mirror, and a prism. You can angle it a million different ways to create wildly different rainbows of dark and light.

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Announcement: The Deeps on indefinite hiatus
Benjamin Vandersluis Benjamin Vandersluis

Announcement: The Deeps on indefinite hiatus

After a recent meeting, we—the Spindle House editors—have mutually decided to indefinitely suspend further production of The Deeps, our literary magazine of dark tales.

We had initially been anticipating a third issue of The Deeps and were preparing to open for submissions, but as the submission window approached we both realized that a third issue was not the best move for Spindle House. We’d like to take a little time to discuss the factors that led to this decision.

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Luc Diamant and the Horror Game
Benjamin Vandersluis Benjamin Vandersluis

Luc Diamant and the Horror Game

I think for me, horror is often a game. Don’t get me wrong, horror can do as many literary things as any other genre. But it’s also more interactive than any other genre. You don’t wait for the right time of day to read Jane Austen.

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Something in the Shadows: An Open Letter to Horror Holdouts
Benjamin Vandersluis Benjamin Vandersluis

Something in the Shadows: An Open Letter to Horror Holdouts

This post is dedicated to all of my friends and family members who have told me—very kindly, very gently—that horror stories really aren’t their cup of tea. If that’s you and you’re reading this: I hear you, and I respect you. I’d even say I support you.

But if I’m honest, I don’t really believe you, not completely.

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Three Tales for the Winter
Benjamin Vandersluis Benjamin Vandersluis

Three Tales for the Winter

Happy Yule and Winter Solstice! Here’s a roundup of Spindle House stories that are perfect for winter reading! Grab a blanket, make some cocoa, and get cozy with these wintry tales.

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